The Diverse Investing Collective is a measurement-driven organization focused on shifting the paradigm of who controls capital. Founded by experts in finance and healthcare, and guided by a growing coalition of asset owners and allocators and an Advisory Board from leading investment industry professionals, the Collective understands who controls capital matters. The Collective is focused on “changing the face of finance” and having 33% of assets managed by gender-diverse and racially-diverse fund management teams by 2033 in order to drive outperformance and social change.

In 2022, seasoned executives and investors Patience Marime-Ball and Ruth Shaber, MD wrote and released The XX Edge, which details the business case for including women as financial decision-makers across asset classes. Now, the Diverse Investing Collective is turning the book into a movement to drive action.

Investors, including high-net-worth individuals, family offices, foundations, endowments and public pension funds, have power to generate higher returns while also driving important social change by looking not only at how their funds are invested, but critically, who is making their investment decisions. 


Fund management teams across all asset classes from private investment through venture capital and private equity to public equities have immense power to drive returns and impact through the decisions they make. Evidence shows that diverse—both gender-diverse and racially-diverse—outperform homogenous teams due to diversity of thought and avoiding groupthink. Yet, most fund management teams are homogenous. 

Only 14% of fund managers are women, and 22% of the investment industry workforce are people of color, despite this group comprising more than 40% of the U.S. population. Specifically, the underrepresentation of African Americans and Hispanic/Latinx is acute. African Americans represent just 5% of the investment industry workforce, despite comprising 12.4% of the US population. Similarly, Hispanic/Latinx Americans represent only 8% of investment professionals despite comprising 18.7% of the US population. 

A 2021 Vanguard study of 2,600 US active equity funds found mixed-gender teams outperform the benchmark by 47 basis points per year, and a 2023 WTW analysis found investment teams in the top quartile of gender diversity outperform those in the bottom quartile by 45 basis points per year. Research in Harvard Business Review, similarly shows that diversity of thought leads to better decision making and outcomes. By excluding women and people of color from financial decision-making tables, investors are leaving money and talent on the table.

"diversity of thought leads to better decision making and outcomes"


Utilizing best available data and manager biography data, the Diverse Investing Collective Dashboard aims to bring accountability to the asset management industry by measuring what portion of U.S.-based assets are managed by gender-diverse and racially-diverse teams, or teams with at least 33% women or people of color. 

Stay tuned for our Dashboard and report on Transparency coming soon.

Ruth Shaber, MD, is a changemaker and innovator, moving from a robust career as an OBGYN and senior executive at Kaiser Permanente to empowering women across finance and healthcare. Currently, she is the founder and president of Tara Health Foundation, a philanthropic investment group that uses evidence-informed programs to promote women's well-being and opportunities. She is also the co-founder and board chair of Rhia Ventures, a collective of foundations and investors committed to bringing new types of capital to the reproductive health field.

Her recently published book, The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk, serves as the basis for her new initiative — The Diverse Investing Collective — which aims to increase the assets managed by gender-diverse and racially-diverse teams to 33 percent by 2033.

Shaber, M.D.

Adewale is the Manager of the Collective. He spent a good part of his career as a veteran progressive prosecutor in Los Angeles. After the murder of George Floyd, Adewale pivoted into the education space as the founder of a school for underserved youth that focused on venture capital and entrepreneurship. After receiving a prestigious MBA fellowship, he attended the USC Marshall School of Business to focus on venture capital, sports, and entertainment. 

Adewale received his law degree from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and his undergraduate degree from Columbia University.


Robyn Russell is the Senior Director and Co-Founder of the Diverse Investing Collective at the Tara Health Foundation, which aims to increase the portion of assets managed by gender-diverse and racially-diverse fund management teams to 33% by 2033. Robyn began her career on Capitol Hill working for a Congress member on the Appropriations Committee. She also worked at the United Nations Foundation, where she advocated for international women's health and rights by helping lead a multi-million-dollar pooled fund and stood up a private sector initiative for global corporations to pledge measurable commitments to the health and well-being of their women workers. 


Laura Mesrobian is an executive assistant, writer, and performer based in New York City. Currently, she is the executive assistant to Senior Director Robyn Russell at the Diverse Investing Collective. She previously worked as an executive assistant at OptionMetrics and a copywriter for Copycat Copywriters, where she created and edited web copy, social copy, email marketing, and SEO content for over 100+ companies. She is also a drama graduate of New York University – Tisch School of the Arts, having performed off-Broadway, regionally, and across New York City.


The Diverse Investing Collective is funded through the generous support of:

The Tara Health Foundation

Kate Nevin, President and Portfolio Manager at TSWII

Wallace Global Fund

California Wellness Foundation

Anonymous donor
