The Diverse Investing Collective urges investors to adopt the outlined steps within this Toolkit to increase transparency, accountability, and action on diversifying fund management teams.

IIC Briefing

Individual investors, family offices, and foundations have a unique opportunity to harness their influence and address the long-standing inequities in fund management teams. In order to measure progress toward the Collective's goal of having 33% of AUM managed by gender- and racially-diverse portfolio management teams by 2033, the Collective created the Innovative Investors Toolkit.

Within the document are five key steps the Diverse Investing Collective believes investors can take to ensure they have visibility into who is managing their assets and concrete actions they can take to increase the diversity of those fund teams. These five steps in the Toolkit have been tested by a group of asset owners and allocators who are part of the Collective’s Innovative Investor Circle. The Collective hopes that easily accessible data on the makeup of fund teams becomes table stakes and basic information all investors collect as part of their due diligence. This approach empowers asset owners to push for increased representation on the teams already managing their funds and understands that calls for change will take time and happen over several years.

To request a download of the Toolkit, please click on the link below.

The time to act is now.

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